The Transformation Center is proud to offer MoveAbility Coaching with TC Owner and Trainer Brent Berger.

Movement is essential to everything we do in life, and strength training your JOINTS is one of the most important ways you can help your body move better and keep moving longer!
Learning to MOVE BETTER can help you:
- reduce joint aches and pains.
- reduce risk of injury.
- keep moving and keep living bigger for longer.

MoveAbility Coaching utilizes a 3-fold approach to improving joint health:
1) ASSESSMENT of your current ability to move their joints in their greatest pain free range of motion,
2) BUILD space in a joint, when needed, to allow for improved movement across a joint’s full articulation to expand your current pain range of motion, and
3) Enhance your brain-body CONNECTION and develop CAPACITY in your connective tissue and musculature to allow you to live your best life.
To learn more, simply choose a day and time that works best for you for a FREE consult with Brent.
MoveAbility Programs
Functional Range Assessments

Functional Range Assessments (FRAs) provide objective measures of how someone moves at each joint from head to toe. Results provide a framework for developing joint-specific training plans to increase range of motion, improve connective tissue/musculature, and strengthen the brain-body neurological connection.
MoveAbility Coaching

Set up IN-PERSON or VIRTUAL 1-on-1 COACHING with Brent to develop an individualized, joint-specific training plan to help you improve mobility (flexibility + strength + control) by strength training your joints.
Kinstretch Classes

KINSTRETCH® is a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and USABLE ranges of motion.
Join Brent, Wisconsin’s ONLY Kinstretch instructor, IN PERSON or VIRTUALLY Mondays (5:30pm CST) or Thursdays (Noon CST)
MoveAbility Coaching Results and Testimonials